From June 19 to June 20, 2010, Qu Zhensheng, deputy GM of HUAXING CHUANGYE, and Wang Zhengrong,manager of department of working management arrived in Zhenzhou to participate in instructing training of excellent customer service.
Zhenzhou project team is newly established, therefore, there is a great deal of businesslike work need to be arranged and carried out. The team needs unified and standard flow of work and operating procedure. It is just like rain benefits the fields that Mr. Qu and Mr. Wang find time in the midst of pressing affairs to provide instructions.
Merged with a good number of cases interactive and precious personal experiences of Manager Qu, the training made all trainees fully understand that we should know the importance of change-place-reflect in treating customer demands. Besides, service with added value and innovative ideas may help us achieve maximum results with little effort in solving customer requirements and patient communication and timely profession is our trump to success in dealing with customer complaints. Equipped with those precious experiences, colleagues quickly adjusted mentality and devoted themselves to work with fresh new working attitude. Each itched to try to leave an excellent degree of satisfaction in Henan Province for HUAXING CHUANGYE.
Qu and Wang also went and found out state of play and problems of Zhenshou project team and reported the situation to headquarter and provided a reply.
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